SoCal A3P Activism

Over the last year and a half, the A3P’s Southern California activist chapter has been building momentum by holding increasingly larger and more complex events. Beginning with small scale street level public outreach and moving to large private speaker meetings and conferences, the aspiration of the A3P’s Southern California activists has always been the holding of public meetings and rallies.

On April 16th, in San Juan Capistrano (home to the historic Spanish mission) the American Third Position held its first organized public rally. The venue, an outdoor play arena with a massive stage and enormous grass sitting area, was a location where A3P activists had attended Tea Parties put on by other groups in the past.

While there is much overlap between the principles embodied in the Tea Party movement and those expressed in the A3P’s policy platform, the official participation of A3P activists in past Southern California Tea Parties has caused some controversy. Rather than barging in on someone else’s party this year, and in order to test our organizational capacity, Southern California A3P activists decided to hold our own Tea Party to coincide with the traditional tax day protest.

Organizing events like our “Let’s Take It Back” Tax Day Tea Party can be difficult and costly endeavors, but it is because of the hard work of local activists and the contributions of A3P members all over the country that a crowd of around fifty attendees were able to hear local historian Mark Weber, of the Institute for Historical Review, and William Johnson, chairman of the American Third Position, give their unique perspectives on the causes of and solutions for our impending national crisis.

Well known nationalist musician Traven Tucker was also able to make it in from Dallas, Texas to provide musical entertainment to start the event. His songs are speeches in themselves, their messages being so clear. His “Revolution” was especially pertinent in leading off two speeches specifically calling for such.

First to speak, Mark Weber gave a stirring talk about the fundamental problems facing the people of the United States. He spoke of the failure of American leadership to uphold our immigration laws. He stated that “a nation that doesn’t clearly define its borders isn’t a real nation.“  He noted that the U.S. continues to engage in foreign wars that do not benefit our people and received wild applause when he pointed out that we have the American military today worrying about securing the border of Iraq with Syria, while we should have a military concerned with securing the borders of the United States with Mexico.  Finally, he articulated our concern over American jobs going overseas.  Mr. Weber concluded by saying that the interests of our people are more important than certain laws and political parties and reminding us of the words of Cicero:”Let the welfare of the people be the ultimate law.”

Bill Johnson spoke next, pointing out that both Ron Paul and Jerry Brown believe civil discord may be imminent in the United States. Mr. Johnson also outlined the history and origin of the Tea Party movement, giving credit in large part to Congressman Ron Paul for inspiring it.  He detailed Congressman Paul’s criticism of U.S. interventionist foreign policy, his championing of individual rights and freedoms and his promotion of the reduction of government. He also spoke of the corporate fundraising arms and the kosher conservative ideologues that commandeered the Tea Party movement, not for love of country, nation or freedom but for the dollars and clout that the Tea Party group had organized. Still, he reiterated, the early Tea Party organizers were like family and the true heart of the Tea Party is still here. Bill completed his discourse by sharing his belief that we are on the cusp of change in this country and that at times it will be divisive and chaotic, but if we pull together and find common ground, we can have peaceful change for the better.

The event went off without a problem, and from all reports everyone had an excellent time. Both speeches were impassioned and rousing and sufficiently honest and radical enough to separate them from your average politically-correct display of Republicanism. Traven Tucker is a true professional and a delight to hear in person. Being around so many genuine patriots in such a setting was also quite a treat.

Finally, a special thank you is accorded to members of the crowd who throughout the event were paying attention to the safety of everyone in attendance.

Category: American Voice, Establishment News