A3P So Cal Reaches out to Huntington Beach

Over the weekend, the Southern California A3P team assembled before a crowd of thousands at Huntington Beach, where it delivered fliers and spoke with eager community members about the program and goals of the blossoming young party.

The activist team learned that a number of local people had heard of the party and were interested in knowing how they might help in its mission to gain political representation for ordinary Americans.

After passing out hundreds of fliers and speaking with nearly as many people from behind the increasingly popular outreach booth, the six and a half activists, owing to the fact that they were so well received,  moved streetside for an impromptu demonstration.

Whereas, the team says,  the hand-to-hand outreach effort is a great way to communicate the party message to local people, the demo, however small, is one of the best ways to immediately communicate how popular the Nationalist cause is.

With thousands of people speeding by and honking in support of the messages carried by the activists’ signs, the huge columns of folks  moving to and from the beach got a feel for what ordinary Americans think, as opposed to what is constantly broadcast by the establishment media.

“With quite a few of these [outreach efforts] under our collective belt, we’ve got a good sense, now, of what works and what doesn’t” , said Brian Alexander, who participated in the event. “We know how to package our message, and we know how to make our message as appealing as it should rightfully be”, he added.

Growing the local membership to 50 people, and inspiring folks from around the country to do what they do, the team is having an impact.

Category: American Voice

Comments (3)

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  1. Frank H says:

    Thank you A3P!!!

  2. Sean says:

    I would have gladly helped out with this! Where can I find out when and where upcoming events are?

  3. Baldrich Kuestler says:

    Any bidder who hits $10,000.00: We will donate $1,500.00 cash to Kevin MacDonald's American Third Position Party based in CA. It's a political party for Americans who are FED UP with the status quo elites who have destroyed this nation. This is my company's promise.

    For pics, videos and info:

    Here's a video of the car while it's running:

    Here's the eBay listing (make a bid):

    Thank you.