China Builds World’s Fastest Supercomputer for $88 Million as U.S. Foreign Aid Tops $100 Million per Year

The Peoples’ Republic of China (PRC) has just proudly unveiled the world’s fastest supercomputer which cost $88 million to build — as American taxpayers hand over $100 million a year in foreign aid to that nation.

According to the USAID’s Greenbook on Assistance Data, 2008 is the latest year for which figures are available on U.S. foreign aid to the PRC.

In that year, American taxpayers gave $103.4 million of aid to the PRC. As this figure will only have increased since then, it can be presumed that at least this figure and more will have been provided in 2009 and 2010, with even more budgeted for 2011.

According to the Greenbook, in 2007 U.S. foreign aid to China was $64.5 million; in 2006 it was $45.0 million; in 2005 it was $39.5 million, and from 19622004, American taxpayers handed over $169.6 million in foreign aid.

This gives a grand total for the period 19622008 of some $464.8 million, or just under half a billion dollars.

American taxpayers will therefore be happy to hear that they have paid for China to replace the United States as the maker of the world’s fastest supercomputer.

The Tianhe-1A supercomputer was unveiled last week at a national conference on high-performance computers in China.

Tianhe, meaning Milky Way, was designed by the National University of Defense Technology (NUDT) in China, and usurped the Cray XT5 Jaguar system as the world’s fastest supercomputer.

The supercomputer, which took 200 Chinese scientists two years to build, is housed at National Supercomputer Center in Tianjin and is already fully operational. Its primary use will be for weapons and space research.

The PRC is the world’s second largest economy after the United States by purchasing power parity ($8.77 trillion in 2009). China is the world’s fastest-growing major economy, with average growth rates of 10 percent for the past 30 years.

Last year, China spent $100 billion equipping and training the world’s largest army and also holds $2.5 trillion in foreign reserves. To add insult to injury, China provided $1.4 billion in aid to Africa last year.

Just why American taxpayers should be handing out foreign aid cash to China has never been explained and remains one of the great scandals of our time.

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Category: Establishment News

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  1. mike says:

    I don't understand at all why we would give China foreign aid? China has the largest purchasing ceiling in the world. They own tons of our debt. Also, the loans were obtained in the names of the American people who will probably never seen a dime of those loans.

    Now, let's discuss the aid given to Israel. Israel receives enough foreign aid from the U.S. to hand out $30k a year to it's citizens. Meanwhile, back here in the states, Americans are watching their pensions go up in smoke. Not to mention all the military aid we give to Israel. Fighting wars all over the Middle East to benefit Israel. We need to bring those troops home and put them on the Mexican/American border.

  2. JamesinUSA says:

    China will be a major threat to this country in the future if for no other reason than that they have a smart population that will work, and have a racially homogenous society that doesn't have to deal with a substantial number of idiots within its country such as we have. Diversity in our nation is effectively a Ball and Chain and thus prevents us from achieveing true progress.

  3. Joe says:

    Computers are always vulnerable to virus, trojans and bots; even the super duper ones. We shouldn't be giving a country aid when that country owns up to 49% of our national debt. Quite weird to say the least.