CofCC Conference June, 2011
Several representatives of the American Third Position were in attendance at the CofCC’s recent National Conference. It was held at an excellent location in the rolling foothills near Winston-Salem, North Carolina. The spacious conference room was handsomely decorated with Confederate flags and symbols celebrating our European heritage. The hotel was located a short distance from several fine restaurants where exceedingly friendly conference associates from throughout America and beyond discussed critical matters and practical advocacy strategies.

NJ A3P Chairman Alex, Indiana A3P Co-Chairs Jaenelle and Matt
Jaenelle Antas and Matt Parrott, co-chairs of the A3P’s “Hoosier Nation” chapter in Indiana, hosted a table for their online bookstore which sold several dozen books. Signed copies of Jared Taylor’s bestseller “White Identity” were selling so fast they had to purchase another batch from Mr. Taylor to keep up with the demand. The friendly region and sympathetic hotel management poured cold water on the efforts by Marxist thugs to interfere with our first amendment right to assemble. Not a single protester showed up and not a single threat was acted out. The only ruckus attendees experienced was from Colonel David Cone, who interspersed his bagpipe performance with lively storytelling, and a talented local bluegrass band, which kept the audience entertained for over an hour after the speakers wrapped up.
While there was plenty of spirited entertainment and several lecturers offered amusing anecdotes, the predominant theme of the event was one of recognizing and reacting to the dire straits we as a people find ourselves in. Louis March, who traveled to Indianapolis earlier this year to address A3P’s “Hoosier Nation” unit, captivated the audience with an entirely new speech, one that not only vividly describes our plight, but offers a roadmap for making real progress. Alex Carmichael, chairman of the New Jersey A3P, listened prudently and took the following notes during the speeches to relay some of the highlights from the event.
Jared Taylor, editor of the popular racialist publication American Renaissance, gave a stirring presentation titled “Race Makes All the Difference.” He emphasized the importance of having a Western society with a unified culture, history and dreams. He correctly pointed out that the loss of white identity is the reason we’re in the current predicament – victims of our virtues.
As conscientious nationalists, it is our obligation to personally sacrifice for the benefit our people. For 50 years we’ve been told that racial consciousness in America is not good. We invented the institutions that characterize who we are: free speech, rule of law, respect for women, concern for the environment, and representative government. Should Third-Worlders become the majority in this country, such institutions in a “rainbow paradise” will not be respected.
Mr. Taylor’s concluding theme was by far the most important. How do we wake up White people? His three suggestions are to support activist organizations (A3P comes to mind), run for office, and migrate to small communities where favorable demographics already exist. He illustrated the first suggestion with the example of a gentleman who successfully ran for a New York City school board. He ended by saying that we cannot sit back and do nothing; we’re on a precipice and must save our people from the cliff.
Louis March, an author and former Washington DC insider, also spoke about the crisis we face as a people, and what must be done to save ourselves; men and women of the West must prevail! Ben Franklin said it best that “we must hang together or hang separately.” A suicidal altruism, most commonly known as White privilege, permeates the minds of our people. However, recent surveys show that many of our people feel more discriminated against than blacks.
Third-Worlders in the U.S. instinctively work in their own group interests; our altruism is without rival. Mr. March added levity by rhetorically asking the audience if they had ever heard of blacks contributing to university scholarships for needy whites. Government at all levels and the mass media purposely distort crime statistics, education gaps, and differences in scientific achievements. Similarly, large corporations push immigration and diversity to justify their thirst for cheap labor.
Mr. March insisted that we seize the moral high ground; intellectual arguments are not enough. He illustrated this concept with the examples of the American and English Revolutions where our people demanded natural rights because our “culture and country belongs to us.” We also have a history of successfully repelling African and Asian incursions into our homelands. Though educating others on our history, philosophy, religion and culture is critical. We must start with ourselves. We must also inspire men and women to charitable and noble deeds; we’re all in this for the long haul. Most importantly, we must build at an organizational level and hold leaders accountable for their decisions and deeds.
Paul Fromm, the leading activist for our people in Canada, gave an animated presentation about his experience running for mayor in the Toronto area. He emphasized that there is a market out there for our message, especially on the immigration issue. Our primary goal should be pushing for a moratorium on it (i.e. zero immigration).
One commonsense argument is that cheap labor is really not that cheap due to the associated costs such as crime, welfare dependency, increased traffic, and strain on the environment, etc. We must bring this message to people in a simple fashion; for instance “with such high unemployment why are we bringing more people into the country, illegally and legally?” Mr. Fromm is in the forefront of the battle for free speech in Canada. Likewise, individuals who choose to become involved must be fully committed to the fight.
Sam Dixon, a prominent Atlanta attorney and veteran of our cause, brought home the message of earlier speakers by emphasizing that “our race is our extended family.” We must overcome the enemy’s successful division of us by categories such as age, gender and socioeconomic status. Mr. Dixon began by summarizing our difficult situation as an ethnic group, cause, and individuals.
George Orwell coined the expression “he who controls the present, also controls the past and future.” Unfortunately, our people do not control government, education or the mass media in the US. However, our adversaries do not control natural law despite their nefarious attempts to do so. We live in an almost totalitarian society where those in power prevent public discussion of ideas they don’t like; we are a people that dares not speak its name. The Leftist establishment never consciously admits that they’re actually in power. They particularly target young people, emphasizing their “coolness” and “against the system” credos to high school and university students.
The Leftist’s social experiment has failed despite 50 years of hard work. Statistically whites and other races still prefer the company of their own people. There is no published data showing that multiculturalism has had a positive impact in America. This country no longer enjoys its 60 year post-World War II prosperity.
Mr. Dixon concluded his excellent presentation by postulating that we need our own homeland, an ethno-state founded explicitly for Whites. Thomas Jefferson proposed the repatriation of African-Americans two centuries ago. We are only asking for reciprocity as the basis for human relationships. As an example, we would be willing to give up 40% of North America. By far the most successful ethno state has been Israel, a country based on racial and religious criteria. Should we be able to secure such a homeland on this continent, we would not engage in the persecution of out group members.
Category: American Voice, Establishment News
Some of us who have joined A3P would like to attend meetings to fellowship with fellow nationalists and discuss various actions to promote our movement.
Stephen, I agree. Local activism by A3P members is a key to making the party grow. What state are you in? Do you have materials and literature? Banners? Let me know.
As a far right, politically incorrect organization, I would have thought despite the ignorant xenophobia, you may be more open to critique, than the liberals who think they know it all. You changed my last comment, despite the fact that it was only stating the honest to god truth.
Sir, we reserve the right to view comments and remove offending posts. If we didn’t have this policy then anyone can post anything! In response to your name-calling, you are a xenophile and an ethnomasochist. So don’t bully us with your name-calling and insults.
I support these enthnonationalistic groups such as “Council of Conservative Citizensa” and “American Third Position party”. Thank you!
Our nation is our people. Countries are just borders that surround a geographic area. All non-white nations below the equator are poor. When we get our home, anti-white nations will be nothing we need concern ourselves with.
So much said that was was eloquent and profound, one of the things that stood out:
"Mr. March insisted that we seize the moral high ground; intellectual arguments are not enough. He illustrated this concept with the examples of the American and English Revolutions where our people demanded natural rights because our 'culture and country belongs to us.' We also have a history of successfully repelling African and Asian incursions into our homelands. Though educating others on our history, philosophy, religion and culture is critical. We must start with ourselves. We must also inspire men and women to charitable and noble deeds; we’re all in this for the long haul. Most importantly, we must build at an organizational level and hold leaders accountable for their decisions and deeds."
Amen. Very proud of you all.
We should NOT give up 40% of our country. We will take back our country first by getting rid of whites. And then repatriate the blacks back to Africa like Thomas Jefferson wanted to do, which is the right thing to do and by the way, Abraham Lincoln wanted to do this also. Do your research and you will find the facts. So, there is nothing wrong with what our Founders believed in. It is only Right and Good. And the Hispanics will go back to their countries once we tell them they are not welcome here in our country.