Directors Mark A3P Anniversary With Radio Address
The American Third Position Board of Directors, comprised of Mr. William Johnson, Mr. James Edwards, Dr. Kevin MacDonald, Dr. Tom Sunic, and Mr. Don Wassall, have given a “State of the A3P 2011″ radio address on the occasion of the party’s one-year anniversary.
The Directors briefed listeners on the accomplishments of the A3P during its first year and the goals for the year to come, as well as discussing the issues of most urgent concern to the American people.
Dr. MacDonald talked about the challenges which may be faced by individuals who identify themselves as pro-White. “It’s very heartening that we have had so many people join up,” he said, considering the reprisals they may face by publicly identifying themselves as A3P members.
He continued by noting that anti-White organizations “are there to pounce on anybody who comes out (as pro-White) because they know (the stigma against White solidarity) is something that props up the current multicultural way of doing things. And they are terrified that there will be a powerful group of people who are well-educated and well-informed, that will actually take a position where being White is OK, where we have rights and interests that we should be pursuing.”
The entire radio address may be heard by clicking below:
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Category: American Voice, Establishment News
The audio still isn’t available for people without Flash. All something like this costs is time, there are free programs for converting any audio format to MP3. If you need volunteers to help with the website to work on improving these small problems you should ask for them.
It is very simple to download Flash and Flash plugins and they are free. Why can\’t viewers simply download these compatible options? If I start converting the audio into all the various formats I\’ll go crazy. The audio requires a Flash plug-in. Very simple. Thanks for your suggestion though.
All audio clips should be made available as MP3 files for those using iOS (iPad, iPhone) which doesn’t support Flash.