W.Va. Election Results Dominated by A Republican and A Democrat
Incumbent Earl Ray Tomblin (D) won the special election and is the new Governor of West Virginia. Tomblin will replace Joe Manchin, who is now a U.S. senator for the Mountain State. Robert C. Byrd, a Democratic senator who died last year and whose seat Mr. Manchin now occupies, was the state’s longest-serving public official.
Democrat Earl Ray Tomblin and Republican Bill Maloney were the two front runners in the race. There were also three write-in candidates. On the ballot is Tiltonsville native Harry Bertram, whose television ad is stired up some controversy with people claiming he focuses on the interests of white Americans.
The Democrat and Republican candidates received 97% of the total votes. The remaining 3% was divided among the American Third Position, the Mountain Party, and the Independent candidate.
Harry Bertram received 1% as did Independent Marly Ingels. Bertram received more votes than Ingels in several counties — those counties where there was media coverage and ads by Bertram.
The American Third Position is pleased with Harry Bertram’s results. The results would improve with funding and media time.
Harry Bertram performed well with a miniscule budget and staff! An ad on a small TV station did raise some eyebrows.
State results by county can be viewed online at the West Virginia Vote By County.
This term is only for one year. The A3P and Harry Bertram will run in 2012, the next W.Va. Governor’s election!
Category: American Voice, Establishment News
"From the little acorn a mighty oak grow."
This was the first election that voters were fortunate to mark a ballot for a candidate standing under the American Third Position party.
Jean Marie LePen of the Front National in his first electoral run received under 1% in the 1974 French presidential election. 28 years later LePen sent shock waves throughout the European political establishment finishing second in the presidential contest. Today, his daughter Marine, is leading in an array of polls for the French presidency.
The struggle continues, but the future looks bright!
PLEASE run a Presidential candidate – it looks like it's going to be a negro vs. negro election and this is a perfect opening for a pro-white candidate to emerge on the national level! A certain Dr. would be perfect!
We approached several prospective candidates but they declined to run in 2012.
Which ones?
Interesting question!
The A3P needs to build the party, Bertram and party associates and supporters will need to work across the State to bring awareness to the party and Bertram's position. Despite the talk on here of Bertram getting a decent % of the vote before the election, I knew that was fantasy talk.
Look at the Mountain party, a party that has been an established party for years in West Virginia. The party vote has never risen over 4%. A3P is not a victim of it's position, but a victim of the entrenched system that keeps the Dems and Repubs in office. In fact, all third parties are a victim of the system. However, with the right faces and activism the A3P could break that system.
[...] [...]
Mr. Bertram did not receive 1%. He only garnered a little over a third of a percent, 1099 votes. If it makes you feel any better, Independent Marla Ingles did not crack the 1% mark either with only 0.95%. To qualify next year, Mr. Bertram will need at least 1% of the total vote in a presidential year election – 7060 votes based on 2008 results. He is also going to need that many valid signatures. That means he's going to need to do almost seven times better. Best of luck.
Actually, some results list Betram with 1,111 votes. In several counties, Bertram received more votes than Marla Ingels. In one county Bertram did better than Mountain Party candidate Baber.
There were also 3 write-in candidates also. Phil Hudok, teacher and registered Constitution Party member, Rick Bartlett and Donald Lee Underwood. (One of these candidates only got one vote.)
The Dems and Repubs received 97% of the vote with the remaining 3% split between the bottom 6!
Thanks for you comments.
Next election his votes will quadruple, keep getting that message out to West Virginia (and elsewhere! Editor).
The results of this elections just goes to show that funding and the ability to get your message out counts. As noted in this article, the two main parties had obvious advantages in both, but little in the way of a message, when it comes to making the sort of changes necessary to restore the state of West Virginia, nor our nation as a whole. Only Harry Bertram had that message!
Another thing that this election revealed, is that well over a thousand people had the guts to vote their conscience instead of following the 'ignorant masses' who regardless of what the message is or whether or not it makes any sense, is going to vote for who they percieve to be a 'winner' , even though the end results will eventually lead us all to being 'losers'!
Regardless of the election results, my hats off to Harry Bertrum, a true hero to the nationalist revolution, and a true American citizen.
I agree 100% keep up the good work.