W.Va. Election Results Dominated by A Republican and A Democrat

Incumbent Earl Ray Tomblin (D) won the special election and is the new Governor of West Virginia. Tomblin will replace Joe Manchin, who is now a U.S. senator for the Mountain State. Robert C. Byrd, a Democratic senator who died last year and whose seat Mr. Manchin now occupies, was the state’s longest-serving public official.

West VirginiaDemocrat Earl Ray Tomblin and Republican Bill Maloney were the two front runners in the race. There were also three write-in candidates. On the ballot is Tiltonsville native Harry Bertram, whose television ad is stired up some controversy with people claiming he focuses on the interests of white Americans.

The Democrat and Republican candidates received 97% of the total votes. The remaining 3% was divided among the American Third Position, the Mountain Party, and the Independent candidate.

Harry Bertram received 1% as did Independent Marly Ingels. Bertram received more votes than Ingels in several counties — those counties where there was media coverage and ads by Bertram.

The American Third Position is pleased with Harry Bertram’s results. The results would improve with funding and media time.

Harry Bertram performed well with a miniscule budget and staff! An ad on a small TV station did raise some eyebrows.

State results by county can be viewed online at the West Virginia Vote By County.

This term is only for one year. The A3P and Harry Bertram will run in 2012, the next W.Va. Governor’s election!

Category: American Voice, Establishment News

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