
Please scroll down to view all the benefits of A3P membership, and to become a member.

A3P membership dues are $40 per year. Members receive a numbered membership token, an A3P shirt, access to the members-only A3P web forum, and special rates on A3P literature.

Please select the size and style of shirt you would like from the drop-down menu. Then click “Add to Cart” and follow the prompts to pay for your membership by PayPal or with any major credit card. You will receive your Membership package in the mail in approximately 4-6 weeks.

No person shall contribute more than $200 in a calendar year to the American Third Position. Your personal information will absolutely never be shared, within the confines of the law, and is available only to the A3P Treasurer.

The American Third Position reserves the right to terminate membership at any time.

*Only qualified members may attend party functions.

**Contributions are not tax deductible. The American Third Position is a 527 political organization.

If you prefer an offline option, you may send a money order for $40 to the address below. Include your name, your mailing address, and your preferred shirt size and style:

American Third Position
13772 Goldenwest St. #423
Westminster, CA 92683

Category: Uncategorized

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