As California Goes, So Goes The Country…

In California, all that once glittered is no longer golden.

  • California’s unemployment rate is an astounding 12%;
  • One in every 239 California households is in foreclosure;
  • California’s state park system – once considered the best in the nation – is falling apart;
  • California’s infrastructure system – once considered the best in the nation – is falling apart…

Forbe’s has released its annual Most Miserable Cities in America list, and things are looking awfully grim in California. The Golden State is looking anything but golden…

No. 1: Stockton, Calif.

Unemployment has averaged 14.3% the past three years, which is third worst in the country among the 200 largest metro areas. The housing market collapsed as well, with home prices down 58% over the same time. All the California cities on the list are struggling with the inherent problems the state is facing, including high sales and income taxes and service cuts to help close massive budget shortfalls.

No. 2: Miami, Fla.

The sun and lack of a state income tax are the only things keeping Miami out of the top spot. Foreclosures hit one in 14 homes last year. Corruption is also off the charts, with 404 government officials convicted of crimes this decade in South Florida.

No. 3: Merced, Calif.

The economic downturn and busted housing market hit Merced harder than any other area in the country. Average unemployment of 16.2% since 2008 is the highest in the U.S., as is the city’s 64% drop in median home prices.

No. 4: Modesto, Calif.

The median home was valued at $275,000 in 2006; today it is $95,000. And don’t leave your car on the street in Modesto, where 3,712 vehicles were stolen in 2009, making for the second-highest auto theft rate in the country. It ranked first in four of the previous five years.

No. 5: Sacramento, Calif.

No state taxes $50,000 of income like California, with a rate of 9.55% for that middle-class tax bracket. Sacramento is a one-team sports town, and that team has been awful in recent years. The NBA’s Kings have won just 26% of their games the past two-plus seasons.

Immigration and the Democrats are bankrupting the state of California. Pat Buchanan’s new book, “Suicide Of A Superpower,” predicts that the United States will look like California in 2041.

American Third Position Today, nearly all large U.S. cities are either flat broke or they are on the way to being flat broke. Yes, New York City and Washington D.C. (and a few others) are still doing fairly well, but for most U.S. cities economic reality is catching up with them very quickly. Right now, there are a number of major cities that are so broke that they cannot keep the street lights operating. Down in St. Louis, parents in some areas are carrying golf clubs with them as they walk their kids to school in order to fend off roving packs of wild dogs. In other major U.S. cities, open-air drug markets conduct business without fear. All over the United States, cities that used to be clean and prosperous and full of hope are now being transformed into post-industrial wastelands. The New Reality For U.S. Cities, Wealth Wire

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