So Cal A3P Welcomes New Members to the Team

The American Third Position team in Southern California hosted a welcome event for its many new members in the region, highlighting the team’s continued growth, reports organizer Allen Polk.

“Many of the dozens of folks from Southern California who have joined the party over the past several months jumped at the opportunity to meet with one another and with leaders of the party,” Mr. Polk said.

“Party Chairman William D. Johnson, and Director Kevin MacDonald, PhD, were on hand to welcome new members to the Southern California team and to share with them reports of party activity throughout the country.”

“With so many new people joining the party in our area, it goes to show that there is a strong correlation between the extent of our grassroots activism and the growth of our team”, said Brian Alexander, a member of the So Cal team.

“People see reports of our activism and want to get involved”, he added.

The welcome event was a great way for new members to get to know one another, and many of the new members quickly turned their attention to activism, with plans being made to begin outreach efforts in San Diego and in the foothills of Los Angeles.

“The event was a success, and we plan to hold similar events every quarter,” said Mr. Polk.

“Those interested in getting involved with our local functions are encouraged to email the So Cal team at .”

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