Author Archive for A3P News Team

W.Va. Election Results Dominated by A Republican and A Democrat

W.Va. Election Results Dominated by A Republican and A Democrat

Incumbent Earl Ray Tomblin (D) won the special election and is the new Governor of West Virginia. Tomblin will replace Joe Manchin, who is now a U.S. senator for the Mountain State. Robert C. Byrd, a Democratic senator who died last year and whose seat Mr. Manchin now occupies, was the state’s longest-serving public official. [...]

W.Va. Gov. Campaign Ad By Harry Bertram Stirs Controversy

W.Va. Gov. Campaign Ad By Harry Bertram Stirs Controversy

According to Channel 9 news: Independent candidate for W.Va. Governor Harry Bertram has released a campaign ad that focuses on discrimination of White Americans. The American Third Position Party candidate said he has a list of stances on different issues. “It’s basically a conservative American first party and it means putting the interest of [...]

A3P Party Candidate Bertram Discusses Bid for Governor

A3P Party Candidate Bertram Discusses Bid for Governor

By Suzanne Higgins | Fifty-one-year-old Harry Bertram, a railroad engineer from Morgantown, has been involved in politics for 30 years, working on the campaigns of George Wallace, Ronald Reagan, Pat Buchanan and others. [Audio clip: view full post to listen] “Bill Maloney is not the only conservative on the ballot. I am, but you get [...]

The Stark Truth: Interview with Harry Bertram

The Stark Truth: Interview with Harry Bertram

Robert Stark interviews Harry Bertram, candidate for governor of West Virginia with the American Third Position party. Topics include: Economics and bringing back jobs from overseas The mining industry and the environment Illegal immigration The drug war The political power structure and the need for alternative candidates and parties [Audio clip: view full post to [...]

Harry Bertram: It’s time to wise up about the two major parties…

Harry Bertram: It’s time to wise up about the two major parties…

NOTE: This is one of a series of columns written by candidates for West Virginia governor in the Oct. 4 special election. In 1968, George Wallace, then running as a “third” party presidential candidate, said that there “isn’t a dime’s worth of difference” between the Democrats and Republicans. Wallace’s words are as true today as [...]

Obama 2012 Campaign Focuses on Ethnic Minorities

Obama 2012 Campaign Focuses on Ethnic Minorities

How’s that for ethnopolitics? The majority population of white Americans have been thrown under the bus. There can be no doubt that the Democratic party is a pro-minority party. Peter Wallsten of The Washington Post writes, “President Obama’s campaign is developing an aggressive new program to expand support from ethnic minority groups and other traditional [...]

No License? Don’t Speak English? No Problem!

No License? Don’t Speak English? No Problem!

According to The Arizona/Massachusetts driving tests cause confusion and safety concerns. Massachusetts recently identified hundreds of refugees who obtained Massachusetts driver’s licenses by converting from Arizona licenses. By taking advantage of Arizona’s lax language and testing requirements, non-English speakers were able to take driving tests with translators, or bypass state testing altogether by training [...]

Harry Bertram’s views on issues he faces as Governor…

Harry Bertram’s views on issues he faces as Governor…

The Dominion Post talked with American Third Position gubernatorial candidate Harry Bertram about his campaign and his views on issues he would face as governor. Here are his answers. Marcellus Shale Laws “We need more inspection and regulations. …I think it can be a win-win situation for the people of West Virginia,” with profits for [...]

“Harry Bertram has a way of standing out…”

“Harry Bertram has a way of standing out…”

From The Charleston Daily Mail: A Miami Dolphins football fan, Harry once snagged a ticket online to a Dolphins-Tennessee Titans game. But the ticket put him on the Titans side. His neighbor was puzzled. “The guy kept asking me. “What are you doing here?’ I said, ‘Well, that’s where my ticket was.’ But he didn’t [...]

The Republican Party Is Doomed

The Republican Party Is Doomed

Kevin MacDonald | A consequence of the anti-White revolution wrought by immigration is the racialization of American politics. Richard Spencer’s talk at the recent National Policy Institute Conference (now the featured TOO video) is an excellent summary of the case that the the Republican Party is doomed unless it switches to a pro-majority strategy—a topic [...]

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