A3P Director Tom Sunić In Dublin
Dublin – Sunday, November 6 saw the onset of yet another successful conference held by Studia Europae, in conjunction with FAÉ and Fóram Átha Cliath, following on a series of similar events held over the past year. On this occasion the main speaker, another prominent international guest, was Dr. Tomislav Sunić of Croatia and the [...]
Many ways to get help including selling the house as is.

Anti-Immigration Champion Senator Russell Pearce Ousted In Arizona Recall
Republican candidate Jerry Lewis defeated Republican state Sen. Russell Pearce, both members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in an unprecedented recall election on Tuesday, according to the Associated Press. Lewis, a charter school executive, will now represent the state’s 18th District. The group Citizens for a Better Arizona forced the election [...]

The Illegal Alien Scholarship
Leftists are well-versed in the politics of “incrementalism”. And nowhere has there been a greater effort to realize the fruits of such incrementalism than in the arena of immigration. Thus it is no accident that the Left has made every attempt to relegate the phrase “illegal alien” to the dust bin of history and replace [...]

Arizona A3P Candidate Ralph Brandt Wants To Make Sure White People Are Fairly Represented
Candidate for Mesa, Arizona council seat, Ralph Brandt spoke about his run for office and issues concerning white Americans. Mr. Brandt, who is running for Mesa’s District three council seat, says he wants to level out the playing field and make sure white people are fairly represented. ABC15 Staff writer, Navideh Forghani, writes “While some [...]

November 6th is National Remembrance Day for Those Killed by Illegal Aliens
Dave Gibson, Immigration Reform Examiner | As you awaken this Sunday, you may notice that you forgot to turn back your clocks last night. Yes, this is the day on which we all literally turn-back the hands of time, which is just what the families and friends of those killed by illegal aliens wish they [...]

Young Conservatives of Texas Join in the Fight Against Illegal Immigration
Daniel Cervera takes action against the “Treason Lobby”. From the Young Conservatives of Texas – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 30, 2011 Contact: Kathryn Richardson, Media Relations Officer Mobile: Email: Waco, TX – On Thursday, November 10th, Baylor University’s Student Senate is set to vote on a bill calling on University officials [...]

ACORN Playing Behind Scenes Role in ‘Occupy’ Movement
Many of American Third Party members and staff warily eyed the events at the “Occupy” protests. It was suspected that the protests were occupied by the pro-Obama crowd: SEIU, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Danny Glover, etc. The Wall Street “Occupy” demonstrations were inhabited by folks with designer jeans, iPads, iPhones, and pricey sneakers. Tables were [...]

A3P Director James Edwards Interviews Pat Buchanan
Pat Buchanan made his third appearance on the award-winning program The Political Cesspool to talk about his most recent book; Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025? Click to play audio: [Audio clip: view full post to listen] “America was born a Western Christian republic,” writes Buchanan, “but is being transformed into a [...]

As California Goes, So Goes The Country…
In California, all that once glittered is no longer golden. California’s unemployment rate is an astounding 12%; One in every 239 California households is in foreclosure; California’s state park system – once considered the best in the nation – is falling apart; California’s infrastructure system – once considered the best in the nation – is [...]

Severe Racial Discrimination Towards Whites at University of Wisconsin
A pair of studies released recently by the Center for Equal Opportunity, a libertarian think tank, reveal severe discrimination based on race and ethnicity in undergraduate and law school admissions at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, with African Americans and Latinos given preference over whites and Asians. The studies are based on data collected by the [...]

Concealing Black Hate Crimes
Racism: Across the U.S., mobs of black youths are organizing on Facebook to loot stores and beat whites. Yet none dare call the “flash mob” attacks hate crime, least of all the attorney general. The Associated Press is reporting that at least one of those arrested in the Wisconsin State Fair beatings said the mob [...]

Ethnopolitics: White Pride Denied
Elizabeth Wright – 8/11/2007 | Did you know that the terms “Black Power,” “Black Supremacy,” and “La Raza” (The Race – National Council of La Raza) are all trademarks that have long been approved by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office? Even the Black Panther Party’s slogan “Burn, Baby, Burn” (which still evokes the threat [...]

A3P Directors Address National Policy Institute Conference in D.C.
American Third Position directors Tom Sunic, PhD., Matt Parrott and James Edwards each gave spirited presentations to a receptive audience of 100 at this full day event. It was held at the magnificent Ronald Reagan Center in the heart of the Capital District and hosted by The National Policy Institute (NPI), a non-profit nationalist think [...]

The Republican Party Is Doomed
Kevin MacDonald | A consequence of the anti-White revolution wrought by immigration is the racialization of American politics. Richard Spencer’s talk at the recent National Policy Institute Conference (now the featured TOO video) is an excellent summary of the case that the the Republican Party is doomed unless it switches to a pro-majority strategy—a topic [...]

Harry Bertram: It’s time to wise up about the two major parties…
NOTE: This is one of a series of columns written by candidates for West Virginia governor in the Oct. 4 special election. In 1968, George Wallace, then running as a “third” party presidential candidate, said that there “isn’t a dime’s worth of difference” between the Democrats and Republicans. Wallace’s words are as true today as [...]

W.Va. Gov. Campaign Ad By Harry Bertram Stirs Controversy
According to WTOV.com Channel 9 news: Independent candidate for W.Va. Governor Harry Bertram has released a campaign ad that focuses on discrimination of White Americans. The American Third Position Party candidate said he has a list of stances on different issues. “It’s basically a conservative American first party and it means putting the interest of [...]

Bertram Thanks His Supporters and Contributors…
Harry Bertram thanks his supporters and contributors during his campaign for Governor of West Virginia. “Thank you all who supported me during my run for Governor. Thank you to those who contributed funds during these hard economic times. Thank you to those who helped spread the word by passing out schedule cards, door hangers, and [...]

The Importance of Columbus Day
James Edwards | Columbus Day has suffered an unprecedented diminution in importance in recent years, at least in the eyes of the solons of modern American culture. Why? Columbus Day celebrates Christopher Columbus, the first European (white person) to come to the Western Hemisphere and make the presence permanent. Columbus Day, in other words, celebrates [...]

A3P Metro N.Y. October Meetup Report
The American Third Position, Metro N.Y. Chapter hosted an October Meetup for local members this past week. We discussed increasing activism and how to grow party membership and a sustainable political movement. The meeting began with up-to-the-minute Metro N.Y. area activism. Since January the Metro N.Y. A3P attended a variety of local outdoor shows and [...]