Category: Establishment News

The Bed Bug Invasion: The Least of Our Immigration Worries

The Bed Bug Invasion: The Least of Our Immigration Worries

The bed bug infestation currently closing down major stores in New York City is obviously linked to the immigration invasion sweeping our nation — but the annoying critters are actually the least of our immigration worries.

War on the Border: Canadian Government Issues Official Warning

War on the Border: Canadian Government Issues Official Warning

The Canadian government has issued an official warning to its nationals to avoid the American–Mexican border because of the uncontrolled violence which is a direct threat to life.

Putting the Inmates in Charge of the Insane Asylum

Putting the Inmates in Charge of the Insane Asylum

The arrest of yet another Hispanic “American border patrol” agent for drug smuggling from Mexico has illustrated the ongoing insanity of employing people from that community to supposedly “protect” America.

Too Many White Jurors in New York

Too Many White Jurors in New York

There are too many white jurors in New York and, with effect from last week, all would-be jury members are screened to make sure that they are of the “correct” nonwhite race before being allowed to carry out their duties.

Do We Have the Right to Force Democracy on Everyone Else?

Do We Have the Right to Force Democracy on Everyone Else?

The Obama administration spent $2 billion in 2009 in Sub-Saharan Africa to “strengthen democratic institutions,” according to a new White House briefing paper — a policy which has clearly failed and which calls into question the right of America to demand that the rest of the world follow our system of government.

Globalization, Unemployment, and the Death of American Industry

Globalization, Unemployment, and the Death of American Industry

Globalization and greed have gutted America’s manufacturing industry and has caused the loss of over 15 million high-paying manufacturing jobs to the Far East in less than two decades.

Anti-White Hatred Reaching New Zenith

Anti-White Hatred Reaching New Zenith

Government anti-white hostility and pressure from the Obama-backed NAACP are the reasons why the Black Panthers who racially abused and threatened whites outside a Philadelphia polling station were not prosecuted, two former Department of Justice (DOJ) officials have revealed.

Tidal Wave of Mexicans Flee into Texas from Self-Created Crime Disaster

Tidal Wave of Mexicans Flee into Texas from Self-Created Crime Disaster

Nearly a quarter of a million Mexicans have fled the drug-crime disaster which has enveloped the border city of Ciudad Juarez, and at least 125,000 have rushed across the border to El Paso in a move which has added 16 percent to that city’s population.

Obama Urges Black Racial Mobilization

Obama Urges Black Racial Mobilization

In what would be attacked as “racism” if done by a white president, Barrack Obama has ordered members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) to mobilize racially to vote in upcoming elections to “keep the other side” out.

Domestic Terrorism Fueled by Immigration

Domestic Terrorism Fueled by Immigration

The largest domestic threat to America comes from immigration and not “homegrown terrorism” as claimed by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano today.

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