Establishment Sets Parameters for Immigration Debate: Amnesty Or Status Quo

Establishment Sets Parameters for Immigration Debate: Amnesty Or Status Quo

In yet another exercise in what amounts to attempting to establish the boundaries of debate concerning immigration, one of the most pressing matters facing our nation, the establishment today released another report detailing the purported economic benefits of making citizens of illegal aliens, who are currently in the process of colonizing most of the American [...]

Chairman Makes Appeal to American Nationalists

After having defined both short and long-term goals for the American Third Position, Bill Johnson, Kevin MacDonald, and officers of the American Third Position spent Sunday afternoon outlining their strategy to qualify for ballot access in what are considered by party officials states key to gaining entry into the political arena. Delaware, Mississippi, Connecticut, Vermont, [...]

Quick Update

With hundreds of inquiries, and with every node on the American Nationalist network buzzing with excitement about the launch of the American Third Position, it’s safe to say we’ve been well-received. There very clearly exists the  potential to achieve real political representation for those currently without it. While our web team is hurriedly working to [...]

A3P Launch Marked by Tabletop Outreach

A3P Launch Marked by Tabletop Outreach

Even before the American Third Position was officially launched, the Southern California branch was christening its new outreach-booth along the heavily-trafficked coastline at Huntington Beach. And, not knowing what to expect from their beleaguered countrymen, the young activists were proud to report that their message was incredibly well-received. “We delivered several hundred of our ‘American [...]

A3P Scheduled to Launch 1/4/10

Whether or not the political establishment is ready, the American Third Position is scheduled to launch on the first working day of the new year. At that time, we will begin accepting new members into our ranks. In the meanwhile, our headquarters element is hard at work, putting the finishing touches on a proper infrastructure [...]

Register A3P

Register A3P

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