Author Archive for admin

A3P Web Nerd

A3P Polo

A3P Polo

Rate of Wealth Destruction “Too Low” According to Fed

Rate of Wealth Destruction “Too Low” According to Fed

At the prospect of raking in new billions from taxpayers and following the authorization of a $600B Treasuries issuance, Fed Chairman Bernanke has expectedly deemed the current rate of wealth dilution “too low”

A “Modest But Promising Start” for Arizona A3P

A “Modest But Promising Start” for Arizona A3P

Americans have known for some time that virtually no difference exists between the agendas of the two major parties. Both parties fleece America for all they can get.

A3P So Cal Goes Door to Door

A3P So Cal Goes Door to Door

Continuing its grassroots campaign to bring the A3P message to ordinary Americans, the Southern California A3P team again went door to door, reports organizer Brian Alexander.

So Cal A3P Welcomes New Members to the Team

So Cal A3P Welcomes New Members to the Team

The American Third Position team in Southern California hosted a welcome event for its many new members in the region, highlighting the team’s continued growth, reports organizer Allen Polk.


Men’s – Trash in Bin

Men’s – Trash in Bin


Men’s Grunge

Men’s Grunge

Women’s Grunge

Women’s Grunge

Women’s All American

Women’s All American

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