NY/NJ Metro Chapter Holds Another Successful Meeting
On Saturday December 12 the Metro New York chapter of American Third Position held a highly productive organizational meeting led by the New Jersey State Chairman Alex Carmichael.
On Saturday December 12 the Metro New York chapter of American Third Position held a highly productive organizational meeting led by the New Jersey State Chairman Alex Carmichael.
This last Saturday, December 11th, party members from A3P’s Southern California branch held yet another public outreach event in their familiar Orange County stomping ground of Huntington Beach.
The announcement by the Camden, NJ, city council that it is to halve its police and firefighters’ force — less than 100 years after becoming the first American city to have mechanized fire engines — illustrates perfectly the destructive path upon which our nation has embarked.
Most estimates made of the cost of mass immigration overlook the billions of dollars sent to immigrants’ nations of origin by relatives living in our country. Remittance payments sent from our country over the last ten years equal hundreds of billions of dollars.
13.1M legal and illegal immigrants entered the U.S. during the past decade, while there was a net loss of a million jobs during the same period, according to new Census Bureau data collected in March 2010.
Yet one more indicator that the United States economy is spiraling downward was the announcement this week in St. Petersburg, Russia that both China and Russia will no longer rely on the US Dollar and they will begin to utilize their own currencies for bilateral trade.
Although our demographic was able to show we can exhibit a powerful political influence, politicians ostensibly representing our interests remain afraid to openly represent us or to admit they work on our behalf.
Continuing its campaign to destroy Western Civilization, the U.N. has called on Western nations to lower barriers to legal immigration, at a five-day conference concerning the movement of Third World peoples into First World nations.
The New York State Office for Technology (OFT) is celebrating its success in reaching a new level of anti-white discrimination, with procurement awards from state agencies to “minority and women’s business enterprises” (MWBE’s) jumping from 1% in 2007 to 20% in 2010.
A3P’s Southern California activist branch held yet another pamphlet distribution last weekend in Seal Beach, a relatively small seaside city on the edge of Orange County’s northernmost coastline.
At the prospect of raking in new billions from taxpayers and following the authorization of a $600B Treasuries issuance, Fed Chairman Bernanke has expectedly deemed the current rate of wealth dilution “too low”
Americans have known for some time that virtually no difference exists between the agendas of the two major parties. Both parties fleece America for all they can get.